Donkey = Distributor (RCM Distributors)
Driver = The Company (T C CHABDA & FAIMELY)
Carrot = Bonus ( LOYALTI BONUS PLAN for Rs. 57500/-)
Cart = Leader (RCM Leaders)
One of the reason of having Marketing Plan in a MLM Company is to know how are distributors being paid.
Another aspect you will notice in a MLM Marketing Plans is the rank/position, in which you will achieve as your group grows. There are companies showing many levels of ranking and income potential by acquiring that rank. Nevertheless, not many distributors can achieve to the top/reach to the top, because the Company made it that way. There are others who make it achievable for their distributors.
You can also cut the carrot and put the pieces on the ground for the donkey to eat and it will also move forward or to where you want it to go.
Authored by Kevinn Tan on 12th October 2011
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